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Helios Ophthalmic Solution (2-4 month supply)

Helios Ophthalmic Solution (2-4 month supply)

Regular price $54.60 USD
Regular price Sale price $54.60 USD
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Our flagship eyedrops are expertly formulated with ingredients clinically proven to prevent, reverse, halt or slow the progression of:

Age-related loss of visual acuity

Amblyopia (lazy eye)


Computer vision syndrome

Diabetic retinopathy

Dry eye disease

Corneal burns




LASIK eye surgery complications

Macular degeneration

Malignant melanoma

Myopia (nearsightedness)

Non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy

Refractory corneal ulcers

Retinitis pigmentosa

Sjögren's syndrome


Detailed rundown:


·       Enhances neural conduction along the entire signal chain of visual pathways, including the retina, optic nerve and visual cortex, all showing improved bioelectrical responses and activity. In other words, citicholine restores the signals between the brain and eyes.

·       Improves and stabilizes visual acuity in myopia (nearsightedness) and amblyopia (lazy eye).

·       Stabilizes and decreases rate of functional impairment, neuroretinal damage, and microvascular damage in models of diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, amblyopia, and non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy.

·       Slows the progression of and protects against glaucoma without reducing eye pressure. Also prevents loss of the retinal nerve fiber layer.

·       Beneficial effects in the early recovery of corneal sensitivity after LASIK eye surgery, by accelerating corneal reinnervation.

·       Protects the eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun, as well as blue light, by suppressing oxidative stress and controlling inflammation in the cornea’s trabecular meshwork.   


At 2.5% our eye drops have the highest concentration of NALC currently available on the market. N-acetylcarnosine therapy is the crown jewel of the anti-aging medical movement and revolutionizes early detection, treatment, and rejuvenation of aging-related eye-disabling disorders.

N-Acetylcarnosine is a potent long-lasting all-in-one universal antioxidant and antiglycating agent backed by decades of large-scale research as a safe, viable, sustainable, and cost-effective alternative to cataract surgery, and for the treatment & prevention of other ocular disorders which have a component of oxidative stress in their genesis (Glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, ocular inflammation, corneal disorders, retinal degeneration, systemic disease, etc.) all with high efficacy and good tolerability. Studies show 6-9 months of treatment was sufficient to shrink cataracts by half, reduce or completely eliminate glare sensitivity, and improve visual acuity, color perception, and overall vision in 90% of subjects.


·       Protects the retina against excitotoxicity

·       Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect in corneal epithelial cells, and can prevent ocular surface damage that occurs in dry eye disease or burns.

·       May have benefit on myopia progression by controlling the growth of the ocular globe, as well as preventing retinal degeneration and the appearance or reactivation of a choroidal neovascular membrane, probably due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

·       Restores the declining number of conjunctival goblet cells in glaucoma 


·       Trehalose is a natural disaccharide that is an isomer of sucrose, and is now widely used in foods, cosmetics, and medicines.

·       Efficient autophagic bioprotectant in the management of dry eye disease

·       Protects eyes against UV radiation

·       Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

·       Works synergistically with hyaluronate in lubricating dry eyes and improving tear film stability. Trehalose by itself shows the highest effectiveness in preventing cell death from desiccation and in keeping the function of cellular membranes, even in severe cases of dry eye such experienced with Sjogrens syndrome or after Lasik procedures, compared to commercially available eyedrops.

·       Inhibits proliferation of malignant tumor cells on the ocular surface by inhibiting angiogenesis that is seen in cases of corneal inflammation

·       Activates autophagy in the eye - the process by which dead senescent cells are recycled to produce new healthy cells. Replenishment of stem cell pools may become visibly evident by increased thickness of the limbal rings surrounding the iris.

·       Trehalose combined with hyaluronate synergistically accelerate and enhance the corneal re-epithalialization following corneal cross-linking, leading to thicker cornea’s

·       Prevents postoperative fibrous scar formation after ocular surgery such as glaucoma filtration surgery.

  •  Preserves peptides and prevents their aggregation


The bodies master antioxidant, especially vital in the lens. Detoxifies damaging oxidants such as H2O2 and dehydroascorbic acid. Reduces the progression of cataracts in the lens by reducing oxidative stress. The high concentration of reduced glutathione in the lens contributes to transparency and refractive properties.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid – Hydrating lubricant and anti-inflammatory antioxidant naturally occurring in tears. Protects corneal epithelial cells against different types of damage, such as ultraviolet solar radiation. Has a reparative effect on the ocular surface, stimulating epithelial migration and inhibiting the expression of proinflammatory mediators such as interleukin IL-6 and IL-8.

We use the optimal concentration of 0.10%. Solutions with higher concentrations than this have a higher rate of adverse effects including irritation.

L-Carnitine – It is thought that the role of carnitine in the ocular lens may be related to osmoprotection and to a lesser degree, to energy production. Carnitine is present in various muscles tissues in the eye such as the iris, ciliary body, and choroid-retina where it functions as an important energy reserve. It is found to be deficient in dry eye disease, particularly in the tear film. 

Carnitine significantly suppresses the production of reactive oxygen species, and at the same time, it reduces oxidative damage in the cell membrane, modification of intracellular proteins, and oxidative damage to DNA. It also suppresses the production of the heme oxygenase-1 and COX-2 proteins, which protects the corneal epithelial cells from oxidative stress and also serves as a protective mechanism for the epithelial cells against the inflammatory response to hyperosmotic stress. 

Organic natural erythritol – Osmoprotectant and antioxidant small enough in size to penetrate the corneal epithelium through the aquaporins, which are water channels present in the cell membrane. Erythritol stabilizes proteins, reduces mitogen-activated protein kinase signals, and has a positive effect on the functionality of corneal epithelial cells undergoing hyperosmotic stress. Erythritol also inhibits the expression of inflammatory matrix metalloproteinases in corneal epithelial cells undergoing hyperosmotic stress

Carmellose/carboxymethyl cellulose/CMC

·       High-molecular-weight polysaccharide derived from natural cellulose. CMC is one of the viscous polymers used most often in artificial tears to prolong their permanence on the ocular surface. This allows the perfect amount of the solution to stick to the surface, with any drainage being excess.

·       CMC binds directly to corneal epithelial cells for several hours through interactions between glucopyranose subunits and the glucose transporter. In addition, its binding to matrix proteins stimulates the migration of epithelial cells, which contributes to the reepithelialization and healing of corneal wounds.

·       CMC improves the stability of the tear film in patients undergoing cataract surgery. Evidence also shows that CMC not only reduces the incidence of epithelial defects during refractive surgery with LASIK, but also facilitates the recovery of epithelial defects and reduces their symptoms. It is believed that this protective effect of CMC is directly related to its mucoadhesive properties. 

Polysorbate 80 - Lubricating surfectant and penetration enhancer. 

PEG 400 – Co-surfectant

Organic MSM 

Sulfur based compound with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, radioprotectant, and anti-microbial properties that also enhances permeability. Normally only about 5% of ophthalmic preparation would penetrate the precorneal layer, but the combination of CMC and MSM greatly enhances delivery into the posterior segment of the eye. 


Perfect balance of electrolytes including potassium and sodium chloride, which matches the natural composition of tears. The salinity of our formulation is slightly hypotonic, which shows better effects on the corneoconjunctival epithelium than isotonic solutions. 

Potassium Iodide

Natural antiseptic. Absorbs inflammatory exudates (fluid formed during inflammation). Potassium also plays a role in maintaining thickness of the cornea.

Sodium Hydroxide – Used to buffer the ph and salinity to match that of natural tears

Riboflavin (optional)

Better known as vitamin B2. Promotes regeneration of the cornea. Riboflavin with UVA light exposure induces corneal collagen cross-linking, which is a safe, effective, and promising method for the stabilization, and improvement of keratoconus, the healing of corneal ulcers, and for thickening thinned corneas after LASIK eye surgery. It is also a promising option for treating keratitis to avoid emergency keratoplasty, even in medication-resistant cases, and should be considered a potential adjuvant therapeutic tool in such eyes. Results of research indicate long-term stabilization and improvement after collagen crosslinking with riboflavin and UV-A light therapy.

Note: May stain light colored clothing/counter tops, but will not stain the eye.

Hydroxycobolamin (optional)

Also known as vitamin B12. Crucial for eye health and brain health in general. Deficiency can damage the optic nerve. Helps prevent macular degeneration, and works synergistically with citicholine in stabilizing or decreasing the rate of functional impairment, neuroretinal degeneration, and microvascular damage.

Those with glaucoma should avoid this version.

Na-epitalon amidate (optional)

Anti-aging peptide that intensifies the bioelectric and functional activity of the retina due to the preservation of its morphological structure. Epitalon therapy in patients with degenerative retinal lesions results in a positive clinical effect in 90% of the cases. Other beneficial effects include lengthening of telomeres and restoration of pineal gland function. 

No harsh preservatives. We use only a mild concentration of boric acid as a gentle antimicrobial to extend shelf life. Boric acid is the main ingredient of eye wash which serves to flush out debris from the ocular surface and kill harmful germs. L-Carnitine possesses fungicidal properties at the concentration used. 

No irritating propylene glycol or glycerin

No ascorbate (vitamin C) which may cause crystal deposits in the cornea.

No plastic. We opted for a premium eco-friendly amber glass dropper bottle which effectively shields the solution from light.

We are the first in the industry to produce our own carbon-filtered distilled water which is certifiably free of microplastic and nanoplastic particles. Microplastics can be hazardous to the eyes. They can irritate the ocular surface, reduce the viability of corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells, and cause inflammation. Microplastics can also induce apoptosis and damage the ocular surface. There is currently no way to remove them from the cornea once these particles are embedded.


Refrigerate and shake well before use. Apply 3x daily for best results (Allow 6-9 months for glaucoma or cataracts). 2x daily is the recommended minimum, due to 4 month shelf-life guarantee. Wash thoroughly around eyes after each use. Do not put in contacts within 15 minutes of using the drops.


Notice: Glossy plastic labels are being phased out in favor of natural labels with superior wet strength. 

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